Thursday, September 19, 2013

Its time to move it, move it

Hi. Its been a minute since I have visited here, but I wanted to report some news. We are moving. Yep, out of our current home and into another home. Neither of which are our home (we're renting, not buying) and although we love the idea of buying, we find ourselves in a better position to rent, for right now. In addition we are downsizing.....dramatically. Mainly so that at a later time we can eventually buy, and save even more money between now and then.

Moving is fun, an adventure. But its also somewhat sad. Only in the sense that we are closing a chapter and beginning a new one. When I was young, my family moved 7 times in 7 years before I turned 7. (wow, lots of 7's - never considered that before). And I don't remember much about those homes. I think about my daughter now (she's turning 2 in a week) and I wonder how she's going to react being in a new place, never having known any other place as home. But then I remember that to her, we are her home. It's her father and I that constitute 'home' for her. And if nothing else, as she lives through this process, that message will be reinforced. Change is inevitable. Transition is a great part of life. So I am focused on the adventurous part of this journey. 

And my husband and I are dusting off our design hats and going to work on new furniture layouts as well as refurbishing older pieces of furniture that we will finally get to showcase. Stay tuned. This is going to be fun! 

PS...our new home is on the lake...seriously, does it get any better? #weareblessed

Friday, June 28, 2013

Happy Pins

Confession: I love Pinterest.

That's me. Not really. But I feel that way. :)
I love the idea and the fun of browsing. I love finding ingenious solutions to everyday life and I love finding the crafts and beauty tips that keep me in touch with the world. Its really because I'm a stay at home Mom (SAHM), and I have to admit that since I ceased working a full time job the one thing I miss is being in touch with the outside world. And while I mostly love the isolation that comes with being a SAHM, the extrovert in me loves idea sharing. Enter Pinterest.

If you haven't been on the site, then you are probably a bit intimidated, or you don't understand it. Both of which I remember also feeling. I was talking with a friend the other day and he was saying that he didn't think it was very interesting to look at someone else's pictures of whatever they're interested in. I chuckled....oh my dear misunderstanding friend. Here's the magic of Pinterest. In one place you have a collection of boards that are organized based on your personal interests, and you are able to share by following and searching for specific ideas and collecting them on your boards. Example: my daughter's first birthday. I had a specific idea of what I wanted for her - a bright sunshiney bubble themed party that was full of homemade activities and homemade food for kids of various ages. Pinterest became my go to place because if I sought out each idea on Google, I would have had to store a bunch of links in a file (possibly) without a picture (I am very visual) and it would take time to figure out what was what and which idea I wanted to use. The fantastic thing about Pinterest is that you can browse the ideas and click on each picture, which will take you to the original source on the web. It's like magic.

If you haven't tried it, I encourage you to do so, especially if you are visual like me. Don't be dissuaded by the need for an invitation - they just want to connect with you via an email address. No biggie as you can adjust your settings to not receive emails. A nice touch from those fine folks at Pinterest.....

Happy PINNING people!

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Work it out

Not sure if I have mentioned this as of late, but its bathing suit time of year. Which incidentally is all (most) year round in my state. But the mind is a powerful thing that has tricked me into thinking summer = bathing suits. This past Christmas was a frigid 84 degrees, but who's counting?

Anyway, I will probably be getting into a bathing suit, which means I would like to shed some pounds. I was a lucky first time mom that returned to my post baby weight less than 6 weeks after I gave birth. In fact, I weighed 5 pounds less and have maintained it. BUT, I was pleasantly plump prior to getting pregnant. So, this weight cannot be attributed to my gorgeous baby girl. Nope, it's all me. So I have taken it upon myself to shed it. I thought you might be interested in the online resource that I have found which will support me in my goal.

This is an AWESOME website that is devoted to helping moms recover their bodies after they give birth. And although I did not gain pregnancy weight that I haven't shed, I am a busy mom that battles time management. This is something that Holly at FitYummyMummy talks about a lot. You guys should check out the site.

I love the motto "work smarter not harder" and Holly really knows her stuff. Plus she breaks it all down for you several different ways. Working with her programs actually convinces me that this goal I have is achievable. And I can maintain it. I have had to make changes, but I like the changes and I already physically feel better. My muscles are more engaged and I am happier.

SO, stay tuned for results! Talk about accountability.....right?? :)